What Our Clients Are Saying.....
Before Dunamis, I was in a mental hospital. I was on a very self destructive path. Everything was a joke to me. I had a plan to kill myself once I got out. I knew the system, knew what to say to get out. When I got out and went to Dunamis, it was kind of hopeful but it was a rocky start. I was first at the southern and enrolled in the local school system. I was doing things and wasn't just taking up space. I felt I deserved to be there and even though I messed up and will continue to mess up, I know its okay. I had a crazy amazing worker (Ms. Annetrea) who stuck with me through thick and thin. Since I left Dunamis I'm volunteering at the SPCA. I'm continuing to search for employment. I have my own place. I have a better understanding of myself. - D.Cherry
Before I came to Dunamis my mindset was completely off. I was hard headed. I was moving from place to place. This is my third time at Dunamis. This Program put up with so much stuff from me and I know they didn't have to. But they did because they were trying to help me get my head straight and get out on my feet to be honest. Before I got here my mindset was boys and all that dumb stuff. Dunamis helped me by letting me know that my life was not a game and that I was becoming a young adult and needed to start learning how to take responsibility for my actions and get myself together. Ms. Vanessa and Mrs. Annetrea were basically mother figures in my life. Coming to Dunamis helped me physically and mentally. I got myself together. I'm now moving into my own apartment with the help of getting a changed mindset thanks to Dunamis. - L.Shelton
When I came to Dunamis I was leaving a prominent college campus for academic reasons. I was pregnant and Dunamis helped me maintain doctor appointments. After I had my child, they helped me with getting childcare, WIC and any other assistance I needed. I purchased my own car and am now about to move into my own apartment. Thanks to Dunamis I have fully withdrawn from all childhood medications and using my coping skills to deal with my mental illness. I know now what I want to pursue in college because seeing how Dunamis helped others, that's what I want to do. I am much more mature now that I was when I first came to Dunamis. I thank Dunamis foreverything that I have accomplished. - V. Bartlett